Airbus to build Türksat 5A and 5B satellites

First Türksat contract for Airbus
First all-electric satellites for Türksat
Ankara / Toulouse, 09/11/2017 - A contract for two new generation communications satellites was signed today by Türksat with Airbus Defence and Space.
The satellites, Türksat 5A and Türksat 5B, are based on the latest Electric Orbit Raising (EOR) version of Airbus’ highly reliable Eurostar E3000 platform, which uses electric
propulsion for in-orbit raising and station-keeping. “We are very pleased to welcome Türksat as a new Eurostar customer for the most powerful satellites of their fleet. We were the first to demonstrate full electric propulsion technology for satellites of this size and capacity, and this will enable the Türksat spacecraft to be launched in the most cost-efficient manner,” said Nicolas Chamussy, Head of Space Systems at Airbus.
Türksat 5A is a broadcast satellite which will operate in Ku-band at the 31⁰ East longitude slot in geostationary orbit, covering Turkey, the Middle East, Europe, North Africa and South Africa. The spacecraft will have a launch mass of 3,500 kg and electrical power of 12 kW. It is planned for in-orbit delivery in 2020.
Türksat 5B is a broadband satellite which will operate in Ku- and Ka-bands at the 42⁰ East longitude slot in geostationary orbit. Its HTS (High Throughput Satellite) payload will provide more than 50 Gbps of capacity over a wide coverage including Turkey, the Middle East and large regions of Africa. The spacecraft will have a launch mass of 4,500 kg and electrical power of 15 kW. It is planned for in-orbit delivery in 2021.
The satellites will be built by Airbus in its UK and French facilities, with valuable Turkish contribution. Both satellites are planned for a service lifetime largely in excess of 15 years. Türksat 5A and Türksat 5B are the 57th and 58th Eurostar E3000 satellites ordered, and the 7th and 8th in the Eurostar E3000e version, which recently completed the fastest electric orbit raising ever from transfer to geostationary orbit.
About Türksat
Türksat is one of the region’s leading communication companies. By providing services through satellites, cable TV and IT infrastructure Türksat provides flexible solutions aimed at customers’ specific needs where no
terrestrial infrastructure is available.
Türksat provides voice, data, internet, TV, and radio broadcasting services through its satellites, covering a geographical area extending from Europe to Asia. Furthermore, Türksat operates a cable TV platform to supply broadcasting services for domestic subscribers. In addition Türksat develops software solutions and operates the e-Government Portal of Turkey.
About Airbus
Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2016, it generated revenues of € 67 billion and employed a workforce of around 134,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats and business aviation products. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.
Türksat Media contact
Merva Sahin +90 312 583 2057
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