Orion ESM progress meeting in Les Mureaux

The latest Orion-ESM Quarterly Progress Meeting this time started on the Airbus site of Les Mureaux and NASA awarded Airbus engineers for their outstanding contribution.
Every quarter, the Orion team of Airbus meets its customers ESA, NASA and Lockheed Martin to review the progress of the European Service Module. The engineers of Les Mureaux are responsible for the Qualification Facility Platform of the avionic system, ground software and a simulation facility that has been delivered to Lockheed Martin in the US.
During the meeting, NASA's Orion programme manager Mark Kirasich, together with Sue Motil, NASA's Manager of the European Service Module Integration Office, awarded Airbus team members for their outstanding work to support the programme. Mark Kirasich said: "The outstanding work being done by the Airbus team in Les Mureaux is a key part of building our human deep space transportation system. Engineers are integrating and testing the critical avionics systems that will control Orion's propulsion and power."