A model of cooperation ensures Eurofighter combat aircraft are ready for the mission


Established in 2003, the German System Support Center Eurofighter (SUZ EF) is a ground-breaking collaboration between Airbus and the Federal Republic of Germany – represented through the German Air Force – that provides technical and logistical support for in-service Eurofighter combat aircraft.

The introduction of a highly-complex weapon system like Eurofighter, where almost all functionalities are software-driven, necessitated this new cooperative model for delivering in-services-support at operational speed – which ensures superior operational efficiency and aircraft availability rates. 

Eurofighter Simulator


The German System Support Center Eurofighter is able to independently provide certified changes of the complete Eurofighter Weapon System to the German Airforce. In addition, it is part of the International Weapon System Support System (IWSSS), established by Eurofighter’s four partner nations - Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK-, and their industries.

Organised for success

At SUZ EF – located in the German municipality of Manching – Airbus employees work together with soldiers of the German Air Force as colleagues in mixed teams under the same management.

Key operations at the German System Support Center Eurofighter include a 24/7 user help desk, where all technical requests are managed, and an engineering work force for system analysis and software maintenance. The teams have at their disposal the respective facilities, necessary for national modifications of the soft- and hardware of the complete weapon system.

The SUZ EF provides also an extensive product monitoring, as well as an overall data and fleet management support.  


On-time, cost-effective services are realised by avoiding the costly duplication of resources and infrastructure (such as test facilities for systems and computers) at industry and the Air Force, as well as by the implementation of a commonly-designed and -maintained process landscape, involving the squadrons and relevant authorities.

The training of the highly specialised and skilled workforce is guaranteed through an internal training program. Engineers, computer scientists, natural scientists and/or mathematicians who already hold an university degree perform this dedicated course to become Eurofighter System Engineers.

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