Loss of control in flight: Airbus puts the emphasis on training

Safety is an Airbus priority. We aim at continuously and proactively improving the safety of operations of our products.
As a manufacturer, Airbus is expected to build safe aircraft and to participate in their safe operation through continued airworthiness and efficient customer support. Beyond this role, we want to contribute to the global enhancement of the way our aircraft are operated.
One example of how we do this is by promoting Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). It aims to enhance safety by providing pilots with a solid theoretical background in tandem with practical training. Simulators help make this both possible and effective by recreating daily operations, but the role of experienced, competent instructors is even more central. Their training and standardisation is key to successfully implementing a UPRT programme.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) prescribes UPRT as a mandatory standard that each member country must implement. Such training comes in complement to the flight envelope protections available on the latest generation of aircraft, which prevent aircraft from going beyond their designated limits in terms of altitude, speed, load and other aerodynamic capabilities.
These trainings enhance the exchange of knowledge and experience, a dialogue essential to improving operational aviation safety at regional and international levels.