Airbus ProSky opens new offices in Singapore

- A step towards Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernization in Asia-Pacific
This announcement comes a year after the Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA) between the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Airbus ProSky to jointly develop a Concept of Operations for Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)* based on Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)**.
“Asia-Pacific is the world's fastest growing region for air travel. Opening a new office in Singapore is the next logical step towards fulfilling the commitment jointly started with CAAS and other Air Navigation Services Providers for the modernization of Air Traffic Management in the region“, said Paul-Franck Bijou, Airbus ProSky CEO.
Airbus ProSky has been involved in many projects in Asia-Pacific focused on enhancing Air Traffic capacity, increasing flight efficiency and improving access to airports. In Australia for example, following the deployment of ATFM and CDM with Airservices in 2012, results have shown a reduction of five minutes in flight time on the 5th busiest world city pair Melbourne-Sydney, in combination with reduced airborne holding leading to a consequent fuel burn reduction.
On a worldwide scale, it is expected that modernising ATM systems will generate significant environmental benefits such as saving some 13 billion litres of fuel per year, a reducing some 29 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year as well as some four million hours of delays.