Our comprehensive programmes

Capacity Building

Space Expertise: Our Training Programmes

Customers benefits from our extensive knowledge and experience:

  • Technical and academic courses
  • On-the-job training
  • Knowledge and know-how transfers
  • Technology transfer
  • Support of local installations and initial operations of local infrastructure.
Airbus Space Satellites orbiting the Earth

Imagery Services and Data Expertise

Airbus Defence and Space is a leading supplier of commercial satellite imagery – through an exclusive access to our own Earth observation constellation of satellites. Satellite customers can access this constellation from the day of their contract signature until or even beyond the delivery of their own satellite.

Our experts are the perfect trainers on:

  • Data acquisition and satellite operation
  • Data processing and training on dedicated tools
  • Remote sensing applications and intelligence
  • Data management, storage and dissemination

In-orbit delivery

Our comprehensive solutions include a full spectrum of services for a successful in-orbit delivery of the satellite, leaving the customer at ease to take over a turnkey system:

  • Launcher procurement and launch campaign
  • Launch insurance
  • Installation and implementation of local ground segment
  • Early in-orbit operations

Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT)

As a world leader for satellite integration, Airbus Defence and Space is the ideal partner for providing all necessary infrastructures to enable an in-country assembly, integration and testing of satellites.

  • Design and construction of AIT centres
  • Installation of satellite design centres
  • Testing services in our own facilities

Through-life Support

Long Term Partnerships to ensure innovation and expertise

For our Connectivity Services, today, we provide 24/7 support in more than 160 countries which is backed by the availability of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with binding commitments guaranteeing 99.9% availability. We provide technical and logistical support, spare parts, repair, software maintenance and modification. We are working to deliver you intelligent support solutions tailored to specific needs and requirements.

Our customer commitment goes well beyond contract signature. Our specialised personnel are available around the clock to ensure that you are always connected, all the way to a satellite’s end of life.


Ground Segments

Our experience in designing and operating ground segments is a key advantage in providing our customers the best ground segments, in line with their requirements.

  • Ground control station
  • Direct receiving station (single or multi-satellite solutions)
  • Image processing centre
  • Related infrastructure

                                                          Related programmes


SSOT FASat Charlie

Chile’s first high-resolution operational Earth observation system



Vietnam’s first remote sensing satellite

Space Academy


Training Services – Space Academy

Airbus’ relationships with customers extend well beyond the sale of its products, with an important emphasis on support services.

The Airbus Space Academy is in charge of the Customer Training for Space Systems.

The Academy supports customers throughout their learning journey – from newcomers to those with significant industry experience by providing technical and operational training while establishing strong relationships with customers’ teams for a guaranteed success.


Airbus Expertise

Since 1992, Airbus has been delivering high-quality training services to Customers.

The Airbus Space Academy offers a comprehensive catalogue of courses covering all the domains related to Space, from technical basics to detailed satellite architecture, manufacturing and satellite operations.

Training can be entirely tailored to each customer to always meet their expectations.

A strong network of expert instructors from Airbus’ most challenging projects ensures an effective transfer of knowledge and skills throughout the training.

The Airbus Space Academy is committed to ensuring the success of each individual training programme, relying on four essential pillars:

  • The Instructors : Highly skilled experts, carefully selected from Airbus project teams;
  • The Training : “Flight-proven”,  relying on Airbus internal training courses as well as the company’s in-orbit experience;
  • The Learning tools : Connected and interactive, fully adapted to each phase of the learning process, the type of training and the lesson’s objectives.
  • The Learning Journey : A well-balanced approach, bringing together theory and practice to enhance the learning efficiency.

Training Centre

Airbus welcomes the Space Academy customers on its premises, located at the company’s Toulouse site. The Training Centre is fully supplied with state-of-the-art technical equipment, offering premium learning conditions and providing a tailor-made service with the highest standards of excellence.

Toulouse, located in the south of France, is home to Airbus’ headquarters, and a key European hub for the aerospace industry.

“The theory and the on-the-job training parts of this experience with Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse are well balanced. Without this in-depth theory part it would have been very difficult to understand the complete satellite architecture and system.”


Eng. Barrueto Edgardo, Satellite Manager for Peru’s PeruSAT-1 programme


                                        Airbus Space Academy track record


For more information or to enrol, contact the Airbus Space Academy via email: spaceacademy@airbus.com