As military forces increasingly use space-based assets to fulfil their missions, these technologies have become especially vital for communications networks – ensuring users always are connected and ready for the growing amount of data to be collected and disseminated…on the ground, in the air and in orbit.

Airbus is a world leader in military satellite communication services, providing solutions that benefit from the company’s 40+ years of experience delivering and maintaining communication services for military and defence users. It offers the broadest portfolio of services available today for this segment – from mission-specific solutions based on usage needs to the creation of complete end-to-end systems, along with services and support for full operational capability. 

Unrivalled solutions for military communications


As a full-service space company, Airbus can design, integrate, launch, and operate communications satellites, as well as provide fixed and mobile ground stations. With these capabilities, it serves as a single-source supplier of long-distance communications with stationary, deployable, and mobile components providing:


  • Sovereign capability,

  • International interoperability,

  • Robust, powerful and scalable communications,

  • High flexibility and innovation through an intelligent mix of resources and services.


To achieve the best performance for military satellite communications, Airbus is committed to utilising the growing range of available spacecraft – from military and civil telecom satellites in geostationary orbit to the new generation of laser-equipped relay platforms. 

Ground station for Secure Communications

Space innovation from top to bottom

Satcom Iridium



Airbus has been contracted as a long-term operator of the SATCOMBw secure satellite communications system for Germany’s Armed Forces, including the in-orbit functioning of the COMSATBw1 and COMSATBw 2 military satellites, as well as the operation of their teleport and associated networks.

COMSATBw-1 and COMSATBw-2 provide UHF and X-band services, with additional capacity in C- and Ku-band, across a coverage area stretching from the Americas to Eastern Asia.

More on SATCOMBw

Syracuse IV satellite-based telecommunications programme

The Syracuse IV satellite-based telecommunications programme aims to equip the French armed forces with secure means of communication that are accessible in all scenarios (crises, major disasters, etc.).

This programme comprises two military satellites, Syracuse 4A and 4B, and ground stations for users in the three services (army, air force and navy), and enables long-range communication between operations areas and decision-making centres in mainland France.

The satellites, operating using X- and Ka-bands, will offer increased performance in terms of communication capacity, flexibility and resistance to jamming in order to meet the future needs of armed forces.

This also includes the execution of the ground control segment and the configuration of these new satellites, the completion of new Ka-band anchor stations, and support for these systems over a 17-year period from the commissioning of the first satellite.

More on Syracuse IV


Skynet 5

Airbus is the primary contractor, architect, and service provider for Great Britain’s Skynet satellite system. Built to military standards, Skynet 5 satellites are the world's most powerful commercial X-band satellites and provide assured communications during critical operations.

The Skynet 5 programme has reduced or removed many of the technical and service risks for the Ministry of Defence, while ensuring unrivalled secure military satellite communications to UK forces. The Airbus teams work hand in hand with the customer to deliver an exceptionally reliable Skynet service that offers significant sovereign capability to the UK.

More on Skynet 5