The game-changing single-aisle aircraft
A clear favourite
The A220 Family has become the clear favourite of passengers in the 100 to 150-seat aircraft category, with rave reviews for its roomy cabin, large windows and spacious overhead bins, as well as highly capable in-flight entertainment systems and Wi-Fi.
Its new-generation engines contribute to the quietest interior in its class while also burning less fuel and reducing noise levels during airport operations.

Superior single-aisle comfort
More space with Airspace
The single-aisle A220 Family was designed to feel like a widebody aircraft. The cabin provides passengers with wide seats and generous personal space for a super comfortable experience.
Overhead bins, with the largest stowage capacity in their class, are easily accessible. The extra-large windows with more than one at each row provide optimal viewing and an abundance of natural light. Wide seats of over 18 inches provide a generous personal space and the newly-designed engines contribute to the quiet cabin.
The lower deck cargo hold enables maximum efficient stacking, resulting in significantly high usable volume.

A European-Canadian partnership
Mirabel and Mobile
The A220 Family is produced under the management of the Airbus Canada Limited Partnership – held 75% by Airbus and 25% by the Government of Québec. The programme is based in Mirabel, Quebec, where operations include programme management, engineering, customer support and services.
Mirabel is home to the main A220 final assembly line. A second assembly line has been established in Mobile, Alabama to serve the U.S. market.