The Foundation works to inspire and help young people to develop a curiosity to learn, to want to stay in school and to contribute as constructive global citizens.

In fact, it embraces the UN SDG 4 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4) , ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education. It invests in the future of the communities we support, sharing with children aged 8 to 18 from disadvantaged backgrounds our passion for STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics - and aeronautics.. We want to demonstrate that STEM is an interesting topic, it can be fun, and it is close to everyone’s daily life. 

To achieve its goals, the Foundation relies on 30 partners and NGOs, providing their awareness and expertise of the local needs, to deploy Airbus Foundation Discovery Space (AFDS) programmes in 19 countries with the support of Airbus volunteers when possible. To deliver the programmes, the Foundation provides inspirational material and tools for hard and soft skills - digital and analogue content - available on the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space platform. It also partners with key stakeholders (ESA and Autodesk) on the Moon Camp Challenge to foster an opportunity for teams of young people across the world to enter a global STEM challenge.


Airbus Foundation Discovery Space


The Airbus Foundation is reaching thousands of young people every year to inspire and encourage them to work towards their aspirations. Through the Discovery Space platform, we look forward to giving access to even more with fun and engaging STEM content.

The Airbus Foundation Discovery Space adresses 3 categories of ages :

  • Discover (8–12 y.o.): animations and booklets going through 3 main topics - Mission to the Moon, Science of Flight, and Future of the Skies
  • Experiment (12–14 y.o.): experience videos supporting some learning scenarios created by our partners.
  • Inspire (14–18 y.o.): A self-development booklet, to be used individually or with an educator/mentor, addressing topics self-care, collaboration, tackling misinformation, biases, cybersecurity, engagement, etc..   

The Youth development programmes are deployed in several countries all around the world, with the support of NGOs. 

Airbus Foundation Discovery Space

Airbus Foundation Discovery Space

Discover fun, educational content that sparks an interest in science

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