Power is an application of Systema dedicated to compute in-orbit performances

Power 1


The Power application is based on:


  • An interactive schematic editor to build the power architecture with various elements such as solar arrays, batteries and regulators, taking into account electrical and thermal aspects


  • The computation of external fluxes and radiative couplings (with geometrical model and mission definition)


  • The Thermisol solver, which is a coupled thermal power solver, to compute the electrical and thermal behaviour of the system

It is a complete solution to compute the in-orbit electrical performances of an architecture:


  • Possibility to create a geometrical model and define a mission to compute the external fluxes and radiative couplings
  • Geometrical (thermal) model and electrical architecture can be linked via thermal node numbers
  • A coupled thermal power solver allows to perform complete analyses taking into account thermal aspects due to space environment
Power 2
Power 3

An interactive Schematic editor:

  • An editor to build the electrical architecture
  • Set of generic components are provided with the application: solar array, battery, regulator, iode, resistance, power load, capacitance
  • Combine electrical, thermal and logical networks of components


Component editor:

  • An editor to build the electrical architecture
  • Set of generic components are provided with the application: solar array, battery, regulator, diode, resistance, power load, capacitance
  • Combine electrical, thermal and logical networks of components
  • User can program his own components using MORTRAN and C and reuse them for further analyses via the Graphical User Interface

Systema-Power embeds all the possibilities of Systema-Thermica to feed the power analysis:


  • Radiative exchange factors computation module based on an multi-threaded ray-tracing algorithm It allows handling realistic thermo-optical properties:
    • Absorptivity / emissivity
    • Specular / diffuse reflection
    • Specular / diffuse transmission
    • Refractive index
  • Solar & planets fluxes:
    • Computed as function of the position of the Sun
    • Efficient ray-tracing algorithm
    • Planet (or moon) IR and albedo fluxes
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